Friday, April 25, 2008

Hansbrough to Return to North Carolina

North Carolina has announced that Tyler Hansbrough will return to North Carolina for his senior year, while Hansbrough's teammates Ty Lawson and Wayne Ellington will declare for the NBA draft.


Anonymous said...


Hansbitch actually made a smart decision.

Which is incredibly hard to believe. After all, he's a freakin' Tar Hole!

And let's just say that the folks (inbred redneck locals) who comprise the student body at the state university aren't typically known for their mental acuity.

And the typical I.Q. of a Tar Hole basketball player is probably about 50-60 points lower than the I.Q. of the average non-basketball playing UNC student (which is really a scary thought, considering the low quality of the UNC student body).

But for whatever reason, Hansbitch actually made a smart move.

I guess even a wide eyed, slack jawed 'Tard like Hanspussy can see that he has no future in the NBA.

Good times.

Anonymous said...

Me eat lots of food. Chomp Chomp Chomp